Now Available: The Danny Maseng Songbook
(digital songbook)
50 select compositions: soulful and inspirational; representing Danny’s musical journey for the past 25 years. A collection of favorites such as 'Ma Tovu,' 'Elohai N'tzor,' 'Bring on the Light,' 'The Threefold Benediction' and 'Hashkiveinu.'
Click here to purchase.
Click here to view the song index |
Spiritual Cooking in the Time of the Plague:
Finding Meaning in the Mundane
(digital cookbook)
- Cooking as a spiritual practice and a mind-expanding activity
- How food triggers memories and connects us to our roots and to the world around us
- 27 divine recipes included.
Click here to purchase. |
Now Available: Beyond the Gates
If the core of all Jewish liturgical music is the word - on the High Holidays it is all the more so. Words are angels, messengers from somewhere deep and profound. Every word has a life and must be treated as a living creature. The music, therefore, must stem from the lyrics and be true to their meaning, and at all times it must remain subservient to the written word.
We have chosen music from our varied Jewish traditions: Ashkenazi and Sephardic; Hasidic, traditional, and contemporary; European, and American; music reaching back hundreds of years, and original music written and arranged most recently.
Click here for more information, audio clips, and to order the CD or download tracks.
Double CD Retrospective from Israel Now Available!!
Now Available! HATAKLIT RECORDS in Israel has released a Double CD retrospective of Danny's greatest hits in Israel. Danny was the first to record Bob Dylan's songs in Hebrew which are on these CDs plus many other fabulous recordings.
Click here for more information, audio clips, and to order the double CD set. |

Now available: Heaven on Earth
Danny's glorious new 27 track, double CD of liturgical music representing the music sung at Temple Israel of Hollywood on Shabbat evenings and mornings. Sales of this double CD set will support the Music Fund of Temple Israel of Hollywood, where Danny is the Chazzan.
Click here for more information, audio clips, lyrics and to order the double CD set.
You are my gold standard for Jewish music
Rabbi/Cantor Angela Buchdahl
Central Synagogue, NYC
An altogether sterling mix of composition genius wed to depth in Jewish learning: High Holy Day music that wonderfully haunts the soul.
Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman
HUC, Author
Your music is soul-stirring, in part because of your considerable talent and artistry, but deepened and sweetened by your soul, which shines through everything you do
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
DHL Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, American Jewish University
Danny Maseng's soul music is the essence of the divine. The emanation of the 'hidden lights' comes through with each breath out of Danny's soul. A gift to Olam Ha'Emet
Cantor Beny Maissner
Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, Canada
Danny's music stirs the soul, ignites the spirit and lights the Jewish spark within us all
Cantor Jennifer Frost
Congregation BJBE, Chicago
Danny, you created such a buzz in our community with everything you brought to us! From the spiritual nigunim and engaging storytelling to your beautiful D’var Torah. From your riveting performance to your beautiful compositions. From your collegiality and teaching at the Minnesota Cantors Association lunch to your patience with the choir and inspiration you brought to them… the scholar in residence weekend with you was one of the most wonderful gifts our cultural arts committee ever brought to the Adath Jeshurun Congregation! I thank you from the depths of my soul. May you continue to bring the beauty of your neshama and considerable multitude of talents to many fortunate communities around the world!
Cantor Scott Buckner
Minnetonka Minnesota
Just thought you would enjoy knowing that Danny blew everyone away last night! It was the most heart stopping, tear inducing, breath taking performance I have ever witnessed, let alone been honored to be a part of. The diversity of material, depth of knowledge and breadth of ability was astounding. I speak for more than just myself when I say that we were transported to a magnificent world last night. What an exhilarating gift.
Myla Wingard
Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego, CA is truly wonderful being with Danny... he is an extraordinary talent, a gifted teacher, a provocative thinker who naturally and beautifully is connecting dots everywhere. He took our community by storm... I love his teaching, his music and my own personal time with him...
Rabbi John Rosove
Temple Israel of Hollywood
Danny Masengbreathtaking, brilliant, bold. There is no finer Jewish composer, performer, teacher all-in-one than Danny Maseng. Over the last few years, Danny’s done two residencies in Asheville. After his most recent concert, a performance of Just Like Home, had ended, the audience wouldn’t leave. They hung around to absorb the resonance of Danny’s voice and guitar before it finally faded. They stayed to feel, just a little bit longer, the power of Danny’s spirit still present in the concert hall. Don’t waste a minute: invite Danny to your community right now. Spend time with Danny and you’ll feel the vitality and power of Judaism as it is meant to be experienced rising within you.
Dr. Richard Chess
Director, the Center for Jewish Studies at UNCA
Professor, Department of Literature and Language
The weekend with Danny Maseng was a truly transforming experience for the entire congregation. Friday night services with Danny were so inspiring. Saturday night concert was beyond all expectations. Sunday workshop was educational and grasping. His voice and music really touched everyone's heart and soul and brought us all to a higher spiritual level. The entire weekend is still alive in our congregants' hearts. What an amazing talent and unforgettable experience!
Cantor Renata Braun
Temple Oheb Shalom, Baltimore,MD
What people have said about Danny's
Wasting Time With Harry Davidowitz:
"Warm and winning! A cross between Theodore Bikel and Eric Bagosian."
"A tour de force. Incredibly touching and spiritually enlightening!"
..........The Jewish Herald
"The most wonderful, richly detailed and happiness-inducing solo performance I've seen in years!"
..........Jewish Week
"A delightful evening. Charismatic. Mesmerizing. Melodic."
..........Metro West Jewish News
"'Wasting Time With Harry Davidowitz' it time weII spent!"
..........The Philadelphia Exponent
"Don't miss Wasting Time With Harry Davidowitz!"
..........The Forward
"'Wasting Time' happens to be time very weII spent!"
..........The Palm Beach Post
"'Wasting Time With Harry Davidowitz' condenses Danny Maseng's' fascinating life story into one unforgettable evening of drama and song. I loved every minute of it!"
..........Howard Schwartz, Author of "Gabriel 's Palace ";
.........."Lilith 's Cave "
"You touched me deeply ... thanks for your wonderful gift and for not wasting time."
..........Rodger Kamenetz, Author of "The Jew In The Lotus ";
.........."Stalking Elijah "
"Powerful, passionate, and tender. Danny Maseng's honey voice and charismatic presence take his audience on a journey of heart and mind."
..........Ellen Gould, Emmy award winner; "Bubbe Meises"
"Spending an evening with Danny Maseng and Harry Davidowitz is my idea of total heaven! Encore!!"
..........Elsa Okon Rael, Author of "What Zeesie Saw On Delancey Street";
.........."When Zaydeh Danced On Fldridge Street"
"Danny Maseng shares a deeply personal yet universal journey in his wonderful new show 'Wasting Time With Harry Davidowitz.' Every Hillel, JCC and synagogue should showcase Danny's extraordinary talent and powerful message
..........Jay Rubin, Executive Vice President,
..........Hillel: The foundation for Jewish Campus Life
"...You Ieave our community today a more enriched place. This weekend was unforgettable; you stirred our souls, entertained us, and brought us closer to our own personal 'Tikun Olam.' We have been blessed to have you among us."
..........Robert Goldberg, Executive Director,
..........St. Louis Hillel Center
"Absolutely superb!"
..........Rabbi Neal Kaunfer,
..........Board Of Jewish Education Of Greater New York
"A tour de foce!"
..........Rabbi Alvin Kass, President, New York Board of Rabbis
"Danny Maseng writes from the soul with integrity and intelligence"
..........Barbara Goldstein and Leah Reicin, National Hadassah
"Thank you so much for a wonderful, soul-stirring evening. The music was superb and your voice a dream,"
..........Shirley Bielski, Jacksonville Jewish Center
"...A big hit... He truly captivated them...Both moving and entertaining"
..........Barrie Keller, Performing Arts, Leventhal-Sidman JCC
"Your show was great! To use the word employed by many of those present, it was 'spectacular.' I arn greatful to you for entertaining us and for touching our souls and uplifting our spirits"
..........Rabbi Lane Steinger, Regional Director, UAHC
"Those fortunate to have shared the pure magic of your performance are still talking endlessly about it. ...the impression you left could have a critically important impact on the development of our cultural and educational agenda"
..........Steven M. Jacobson,
..........Executive Director, University of Kansas Hillel Foundation